Monday, August 22, 2005
![]() I write tonight feeling somewhat like an insomniac, I had intended to get to putting some stuff down in writing earlier but today, has been a busy day, well busier than usual anyway. I woke feeling somewhat tired, to my father announcing on the mobile that 'we're coming up' I won't describe how I felt at that time having just woken up, looking at yesterdays dinner dishes, and knowing the general state of the house. I replied in a less than cheery voice when he said 'we'll be there in a few hours' with ok....& that was that. Needless to say I've not said anything to them of the current circumstances & immediately felt guilty as hell. Trying to put out of my head, all the house work that needed doing, + everything else, I turned over & shut my eyes. Not wanting to go back to sleep, for had I done so I would surely have woken up just before they arrived, with nothing done & some lame excuses. Forcing myself out of bed I went downstairs, made myself a cup of tea & swiched the computer on, yes I know it's sad isn't it but there it is. After catching up on some news, I won't bore you with the details, I set to getting the house in a fit state for my parents visit. Now anyone that knows me will tell you that I'm not the most tidy of persons so 'getting the house in a fit state' took far longer than I wanted to spend, feeling like crap etc. However most of the work done & most of my washing on the line outside I relaxed for a while actually starting to look forward to seeing my parents. Whilst sitting outside having what seemed like a well deserved cigarette & cup of tea the phone rang & it was Will calling me from Leek in response to my e-mail asking him where he & Sue were at that time, suffice it to say they had just got back from holiday, which it seemed they had both enjoyed. Will had to go to see his mother, near me so he arranged to drop by & see me later. Now you might think, well this is all very normal so what. But after the few days I've just had the last thing I wanted was my parents 'dropping in' or in fact to see anyone until I had had a chance to,' get it together'. However, I seldom get many visitors here, as I am some way from Leek where most of my friends live. After making some feeble excuses why I could not possibly have any visitors, as my parents were coming up etc, etc I said I would see him later. After finishing my cup of tea, I resolved to get to grips with the outside of the house, mow the lawn sweep the drive etc. Suprising myself with an unusual burst of energy, I finally completed the chores and retired inside to relax for a bit, dripping with sweat as the day was hot. One shower later, & some clean clothes I reflected on the day ahead. ![]() I have a doctors appointment at the GUM clinic tommorrow, so I'll know why the tests have not been done, maybe. I'll update you on what happens with that tommorow but for now goodnight.... Charlie Posted at 2:50 am |